Sunday, 27 March 2011


Great painterly video from this band Tame Impala

half full glass of wine

Monday, 14 March 2011

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Gouache on watercolour paper 23 x 37 cm

space - the first frontier!

Moved into a smaller space just along the euroart studios corridor. Now sharing a space with Liz Bond.

Here is her website:

Having to move to a smaller space although a bit painful at first, has been a good exercise in re-focusing on what I'm up to with my work.
Through drawing, I am following a few things that my recent abstract painting has thrown up. The physicality properties of the oil paintings dictated some of the decision-making going on with the imagery. Taking this physical aspect away by 'examining' the graphic possibilities through colour, line and shape is what I hope to explore with Gouache.
A 43' x 63' stretchered painting (already primed and ready to go) is niggling me, resting in my hallway at home!

Friday, 4 March 2011

'b' sides sketchbookerrata

all old stuff mostly about ten years old - just posting on here because its sometimes helpful to objectify and review past endevours that get filed/shoved away due to space and time constraints.